This website is established to support America's
veterans and families, both past and present. Information and
website links are established to assist you with every possible
venue. I am a retired E-9, Vietnam War veteran, disabled, and
do this free of charge. Advertisements on this website are from
received donations by businesses supporting this effort for our
veterans, of which 100% of donations are given to a local
Veterans of Foreign Wars Posts of my choosing for costs associated with
printing and mailing of our magazines. If you are a business
and wish to advertise, or place a link, email me at cornhusker69@yahoo.com and
we can discuss amount of donation required. Non-profits,
validated by Charitynavigator.org and rated at two stars or
higher, are provided free website links. I repeat, for-profit businesses
must provide a minimum designated donation amount as determined
by the webmaster for a link or ad on the website. No
exceptions. Do not, I repeat do not, ask for a free link if you are for-profit.